Hitap Vazo


Hitap Vazo Hitap Vazo
8.950,00 TL (KDV dahil perakende satış fiyatı)
“Ey Türk Gençliği! Birinci vazifen,
Türk istiklalini, Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni,
ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir.”
(Atatürk, 1927, Nutuk)
Atatürk’ün gençlere yönelik unutulmaz seslenişi “Nutuk”un sonundaki “Gençliğe
Hitabe”dir. 15 Ekim 1927 Cumartesi günü okumaya başladığı “Nutuk”u, 20 Ekim 1927
Perşembe günü bitirmiştir. Atatürk, 6 gün boyunca her gün 6 saatte, toplam 36 saat
31 dakikada okuduğu Nutuk’un sonunda Gençliğe Hitabe’yi okumuştur.
Hitap Vazo, ikiye katlanmış kâğıt balyası formunda tasarlanmış, üzerinde
Atatürk’ün “Gençliğe Hitabe”sine yer verilmiştir. Bu kompozisyon, gençlere
emanet edilen Cumhuriyeti, Cumhuriyetin aydınlığını ve o aydınlığın sürekliliğini
Hitap Vazo, el imalatı camdan üretilmiş, üzerindeki rölyef desenlerin tümü el
işçiliği ile dekorlanmıştır.

Üretim adedi 2023 ile sınırlıdır.

“Turkish Youth! Your first duty is forever to preserve and to defend Turkish Independence and the Turkish Republic." (Atatürk, 1927, The Speech)
Atatürk entrusted the Republic he founded to the nation's youth. For this reason, he stated in 1924: “You, the rising new generation, the future is yours. We founded the Republic, you are the ones to elevate it and keep it alive."
Atatürk's unforgettable "Address to the Youth" takes place at the end of the "The Speech,"' which he started reading on Saturday, October 15 and completed on Thursday, October 20 in 1927. At the end of The Speech, which he read every day for six hours for six days – for a total of 36 hours and 31 minutes – Atatürk addressed the country's youth: “Turkish youth! Your first duty is forever to preserve and to defend Turkish Independence and the Turkish Republic." When the Address to the Youth was over, some deputies and members of parliament, as well as Atatürk, were seen to have tears in their eyes.
Atatürk built a bridge from the past to the future – from 1919 to the present and beyond – with his Address to the Youth.
The 'Hitap (Address)' Vase is designed in the form of a stylized double-folded parchment, with Atatürk's 'Address to the Youth' etched on it. This composition symbolizes the Republic entrusted to Türkiye's youth, the enlightenment of the Republic and the persistence of that enlightenment.
The 'Hitap (Address)' Vase is produced from handmade glass, all relief designs on the vase are decorated by hand.

En : 24 cm
Yükseklik : 23 cm

% 100 el yapımıdır.
Ürünün Menşei : Türkiye

100% El Yapımıdır